The Little Mac Toolkit
The Little Mac Toolkit (Peachpit Press) (1994).bin
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This is the version of DepthGauge you are using.
To see the history of DepthGauge versions, click on the DepthGauge title and select “Change History” from the table of contents.
To view additional help and find out what EctoWare is, click here.
To require that the command key be down to pop up the DepthMenu, check this box.
To require that the command key be down to pop up the DepthMenu, check this box.
To require that the option key be down to pop up the DepthMenu, check this box.
To require that the option key be down to pop up the DepthMenu, check this box.
To require that the control key be down to pop up the DepthMenu, check this box.
To require that the control key be down to pop up the DepthMenu, check this box.
To require that the shift key be down to pop up the DepthMenu, check this box.
To require that the shift key be down to pop up the DepthMenu, check this box.
To make an icon appear at the bottom of the screen during startup time, select this box.
This item is selected - an icon will appear at startup time to indicate the current depth setting.
To make an icon appear at the bottom of the screen during startup time, select this box.
Use this pop-up menu to select different colors for the pixel-depth indicator in the menu bar.
To make the pixel-depth indicator appear at the right side of the menubar, select this button.
This item is selected because the pixel-depth indicator is set to appear at the right side of the menubar.
To make the pixel-depth indicator appear at the right side of the menubar, select this button.
To make the pixel-depth indicator appear at the left side of the menubar, select this button.
This item is selected because the pixel-depth indicator is set to appear at the left side of the menubar.
To make the pixel-depth indicator appear at the left side of the menubar, select this button.
To turn off the pixel-depth indicator in the menu bar, select this button.
This item is selected because the pixel-depth indicator is turned off.
To turn off the pixel-depth indicator in the menu bar, select this radio button.
To keep the pixel-depth changes active across machine restarts (as the Monitors cdev does), check this box.
This feature is currently selected — changes are permanent and will be remain as the default setting after restarting the computer.
To keep the pixel-depth changes active across machine restarts (as the Monitors cdev does), check this box.
This feature is currently unselected — changes are temporary and will be reset to the default settings after restarting the computer.